MCT oil

Update: Brain Octane Oil and Bulletproof Coffee Trial

So if you read my post from two weeks ago, you will know that I had been reading and learning about the differences on Brain Octane Oil, MCT oil, and Bulletproof coffee – but I hadn't really tried it out yet. I decided to pursue testing Brain Octane Oil and Bulletproof Coffee. 


I started drinking Brain Octane Oil in my coffee around 2 weeks ago but took a couple days off because I wasn't at home. I immediately became obsessed with the frothy goodness. I love the richness it added to my daily cup o' joe. I realize what almond milk (alone) was lacking was FAT! It isn't quite as satisfying as regular milk, but I had gotten so used to it, I didn't realize what I had been missing. The days that I had coffee out of the house, I seriously missed the oil! 

After a few days with just the oil, and seeing how much I loved it, I decided to give Bulletproof coffee a try. (Reminder: Bulletproof coffee is some type of MCT oil, in this case, Brain Octane, plus 1-2 tbsp of grass-fed, unsalted butter.) Guys, it became even richer and frothier! I was in heaven. All of the froth and richness. With this change, my morning cuppa became a sheer delight (and if you haven't realized already, I'm pretty obsessed with my morning cup). That being said, I am not going to add butter every day, just because I know from past experience my body does better with less dairy. 

I didn't immediately notice any cognitive benefits that you are supposed to see with the oil (with the exception of my morning meditation struggling because I couldn't tame the thoughts! Or was that the caffeine?... Tough to say). Then I realized that I had been not using the full dosage. I had started using 1 tsp, had worked my way up to 2. Well, I was supposed to be using 1 tsp, working my way up to 2 TBSP. So, makes sense I wasn't seeing the level of results I was anticipating.


With the adjustment (I landed at 1.5 tbsp) I did see vast improvement. I didn't notice any difference in results with Brain Octane Oil or proper Bulletproof Coffee, though. One of the benefits of adding butter is that it should supply steady, long-lasting energy, which may have happened, but I ate breakfast most days because I was hungry (the Bulletproof guys make it a meal replacement). So it's tricky to say if it was tied to the my morning drink. They say you won't get hungry, but I did. I kept it light: either a green smoothie or an egg with a slice of sprouted grain toast. 

Without further ado, here are my observations: 

  • I felt less brain fog than usual. I felt sharper in whatever I was thinking, writing, or saying. It mayyyyy have increased my ability to focus - hard to say. I'm very ADD (with an actual diagnosis) so I think I saw an improvement, but not really sure. 
  • I drank my coffee faster than usual to avoid oil separation, which did lead to stomach aches a couple times. I like drinking my coffee slowly: I end up drinking less that way. So I would consider this a negative. 
  • Relating to stomach... adjusting to the oil initially made my poop a bit looser than usual. Not bad though. (Apologies if that's TMI, but thought you should know if you are experiencing that while taking the oil, it's normal! ;))
  • One of the biggest surprises was when I added a tbsp to my lunch smoothie. Normally, I do my best work in the morning - no matter what. By drinking it in my afternoon smoothie it kept my brain sharp all afternoon, when I typically struggle the most! 
  • I also noticed that by the evenings I was absolutely famished, which is not common for me. It may have increased my metabolic rate! I have lost a little bit of weight, but I have also been following Shed guidelines this month to start the year on a good note. So could be a combination of the two. 
  • One other negative, I have noticed an increase in heartburn. As I've mentioned, I've been eating very clean, so I am wondering if the oil/butter are having an impact. It could be unrelated though. (If anyone knows anything about heartburn, help a sister out! #thisis30) You all now know way too much about me. 

In sum, I will definitely keep Brain Octane Oil as a part of my routine. I may split up 2 tablespoons - 1 in the am, 1 at lunch. The cognitive benefits were really noticeable when I increased my intake. It really upped my morning coffee game. I clearly am obsessed with the frothy yumminess. Adding butter to my coffee has really been a treat, I will probably keep using it several days a week. Although, I may try removing it for awhile though to see if helps my heartburn situation (cue *tears of laughter and of sadness at the same time*). 😂 😭 🤦🏻‍♀️

Have you guys tried Brain Octane Oil or Bulletproof coffee? I would love to hear what you think of it! Leave a comment below or on insta. Bottoms up! -AHS

Brain Octane Oil, MCT Oil, or Bulletproof Coffee? Send help!

bulletproof brain octane oil

Many of you have probably heard of Bulletproof coffee. It became all the rage a couple years back. Butter in coffee? Yuck or YES? Hard to say. Nonetheless, you probably heard something about it. If you looked into it you probably heard that bulletproof coffee consists of coffee + MCT oil or Brain Octane Oil + butter from grass-fed cows, frothed/blended into a "latte." I won't delve into all the pros of making this particular concoction in this article, but will focus on the unique oils that contribute to it. MCT oil and Brain Octane Oil seem to be everywhere. In matcha, coffee, smoothies, you name it- people are adding it! But what is it? It sounds scary and complicated. 

Well, I wouldn't define it as scary, but to explain it I would just say it's "science-y". Let me break it down: 

MCT is an abbreviation of medium-chain triglycerides also known as medium-chain fatty acids. All fats are categorized by how many carbons they have. There are short-chain (less than 6 carbons), medium-chain (6-12 carbons), and long-chain (13-21 carbons) fatty acids. Omega 3 fats (love those!) are long-chain. MCTs are absorbed in the body better than long-chain because they are smaller. It is easier for the body to utilize them for this reason. (Note: this does not mean to stop eating Omega 3s though! Omega 3s are anti-inflammatory, awesome for our cognitive function, and also may help lower the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and arthritis.) Did I lose you, yet? Don't worry, the worst is over!

But why are MCTs a top source of essential healthy fats? According to Dr. Axe,  "Medium-chain fats are digested easily and sent directly to your liver, where they have a thermogenic effect and the ability to positively alter your metabolism. This is one reason why many people claim that MCTs, including coconut oil, are burned by the body for energy, or “fuel,” instead of being stored as fat." So basically, they can be awesome for weight loss. 

Some of the reported benefits of incorporating MCTs in your diet:

  • Having more energy
  • Thinking more clearly
  • Feeling satisfied and full, which helps in maintaining a healthy weight
  • Reducing body fat by raising metabolic function
  • Better digestion
  • Hormonal balance
  • Mood improvement
  • Fight bacterial infection and viruses
  • Increased ability to absorb fat-soluble nutrients from various foods

In addition to getting MCTs from supplementing, they also occur naturally in coconut oil, butter (from grass-fed cows), whole milk, full-fat yogurt, palm oil and cheeses. 

So, where does Brain Octane Oil fit in? Well, it is a form of MCT oil. The fancy one of the bunch. It is also known as Caprylic acid or MCT C8. There are other variations of MCT oils, one of which is XCT oil (a mix of C8+C10). XCT oil was the original used in bulletproof coffee. I won't focus on the others, but know there are other variations. 

The biggest perk I heard about Brain Octane Oil was that it helps your brain kick into gear quickly in the morning. According to Eduard de Wilde of Live Helfi, "The body rapidly metabolizes Brain Octane Oil into ketones that the brain can use for instant energy without the need for glucose from carbohydrates or sugar." This means it offers a higher level of brain performance than XCT Oil or other MCT oils.

In addition:

  • (Brain) Octane Oil helps balance yeast in the digestive tract. If your gut is out of whack in this way, you could experience: bloat, IBS, depression, and other awful stuff. 
  • Brain Octane Oil has been known to help with hypertension and Crohn's Disease, to boot.

Yes. This HP mug is bae. 

Yes. This HP mug is bae. 

Okay- so now we know this stuff seems pretty awesome. But what happens when you actually start taking it?  

I am going to take Brain Octane Oil every day for a week and will report back with my findings. I can give you a mini preview:  it froths beautifully (see pic) and tastes amazing.  I will leave the rest of the updates for when I report back. 

Also, I used the following articles to help form this post: 

If you are looking for more details I recommend reading at your leisure! 



Looking forward to updating you soon! Have a great week, loves!