Shed for the Wed

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Butter Cinnamon Apples

Butter Cinnamon Apples


  • 1 honeycrisp apple, diced

  • 1 tbsp grassfed organic butter

  • Cinnamon


Melt butter in a small nonstick pan. Add apple pieces. Sprinkle liberally with cinnamon. Saute for about 5 minutes or when apples begin to get a bit softer. If you like them super soft keep going until they reach the consistency you like! Serve on their own or in a a bowl of oatmeal with organic peanut butter (shown!). A perfect treat while you are in month 1 of your shedding journey!

Note: I don’t peel the apples for an added nutrient and fiber boost. If you prefer the more traditional peel go for it!